Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Commercialism Corner

Commercialism Corner: Your one-stop shop for quick summaries and links to all the latest news about the commercialization of childhood.

Disney Makes Nightmares Come True in Hospital Maternity Wards - This Yahoo! News article covers CCFC's action urging Disney to stop branding newborns literally at birth.

In-app Purchases in iPad, iPhone, iPod Kids' Games Touch Off Parental Firestorm - Children, often unknowingly, are buying virtual goods from iTunes that cost their parents real money, sometimes lots. The author writes that many parents and public interest groups say that the marketing of these e-goods “doesn't have any business in a children's game.”

Disney Looking Into Cradle for Customers - Disney has gained access to maternity wards in hospitals and is marketing its new line, Disney Baby, through a company called Our365, a business that sells bedside baby pictures.

Sex Sells: Teaching Kids Not to Buy - As sexualization of young girls in media and marketing intensifies, Diane Levin tells Fox Business what can be done to combat the commercial assault on children.

How Fast Food Companies “Super Size” African Americans - This Atlanta Post article examines “Race-based obesity” in America, calling attention to marketers history of marketing unhealthy food to minority communities.

Study Begins to Unlock the Development of Child Taste Preferences - New study suggests that “children with detailed mental representations of fast food and soda brands – as developed by advertising and experience – have higher scores on an ‘added flavour’ sugar/fat/salt (SFS) liking palate.”
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