So I’ll say this for the Disney/Pixar studios: The company does a fabulous job of making films that simultaneously promote and trash socially responsible causes—the former through creative content and the latter through marketing. It’s true that when Pixar execs partnered with British Petroleum to promote Wall-E, the critically acclaimed animated post-apocalyptic environmental fantasy, they couldn’t foresee that BP was going to cause the worst human made environmental disaster ever. But they surely knew, like the rest of us, that drilling for fossil fuels is not exactly a sustainable practice, and that promoting consumption in children by turning film characters into junk plastic toys is not good for the environment either.
And now there’s Toy Story 3—a sometimes poignant rendering of one boy’s transition into adulthood from the point of view of the toys he’s leaving behind. The film concludes with a lovely and pointed celebration of creative play. I get teary thinking about it. I really do. I got teary watching it, too. (Confession: I’m a sucker for “leaving childish things” behind stories. And, as a ventriloquist who has had a long relationship with talking duck, I can and do invest just about any inanimate object with life.) But the marketing of Toy Story 3 does more to stifle children’s imagination than the film does to promote it. Disney expects merchandising to bring in about $2.4 billion, more than any of its other films to date. A search for toys licensed by the Toy Story franchise brings up more than 300 items on ToysRus.com, most of which squelch exactly the kind of creative play the film celebrates. One business writer described the number of Toy Story 3 products at Target as “jaw dropping.”
In addition to the faithful Woody and the stupid-but-good-hearted Buzz Lightyear, new characters—and new potential for licensing—have been added in Toy Story 3. There’s a strawberry scented villainous bear named Lotso—whose mercantile manifestation is as an ursine “smart toy” a la Tickle Me Elmo, which can be had for $49.95. And in a blatant attempt to broaden the film’s appeal across genders—and to add completely gratuitous, sexualized double entendre to the dialogue—Barbie and Ken have been added to the cast and the licensing frenzy. Little girls, presumably unmoved by action, adventure, and Trixie, a rather appealing but boringly unsexualized cowgirl, can now rush out to buy the Disney Pixar Toy Story 3 Barbie Loves Buzz Lightyear Barbie fashion doll for $16.99—and other Toy Story 3 Barbies as well.
There are also the inevitable Lego Kits--the Lego Toy Story 3 Great Train Chase, or the Lego Disney Pixar Toy Story 3 Garbage Truck Getaway set. It’s well known that children play less creatively with media linked toys and with kits—but even more damaging are the Toy Story 3 video games for Nintendo, Sony PS3, Nintendo DS and X box. And of course, there’s the preschool educational media market: V-tech has the MobiGo Toy Story 3 Learning Software for children as young as three, and Leapfrog has learn-to-read digital story books. Never mind that screen media already occupies, on average, about 32 hours a week in the lives of two-to- five year olds at the expense of the kind of hands-on play that is so revered in the film.
It’s ironic that the real threat to toys like Woody, Buzz and the gang is not that the child who loved them grows up. It’s that, in real life, companies like Disney/Pixar have commercialized children’s leisure time to such an extent that a preschooler who might be the beneficiary of outgrown creative playthings is likely to have no idea what to do with them.
These films as ads/toys are real media literacy moments, from my point-of-view. When I speak to parents and teachers and students, I try to reference these popular culture texts, not in a discussion of entertainment, but rather in helping people understand the business behind the media message. Frank Baker, Media Literacy Clearinghouse, www.frankwbaker.com
ReplyDeleteI have to admit from a adult standpoint Toystory saga is the most entertaining children's film I can remember since the original Lion King. The toy's that are now filling every center asle of the big box stores is almost criminal. Children don't realize the entertainment from watching the movie is the reward, like when I was a kid. I remember Mary Poppins at the drive in with great fondness, and not a single toy comes to mind...Those were the day's~
ReplyDeleteAwareness of this blatant targeting is the first step to preventing your child from becoming a junior consumer. It may be too late for this parent, but hopefully I can raise my kids to understand happiness does not come from consumption. Note to parents and grandparents: no amount of plastic toys will buy your kids' happiness.
ReplyDeleteThoughtful post, esp love the comment about the movie being the entertainment. That's the way we've always treated it.
ReplyDeleteI'm eager to see ToyStory3 (esp w/the free play ending!) and have heard rave reviews from all ages (except those wishing Pixar would get a girl in the lead role ;-)
To me, counter-marketing consumption is a necessary and doable task; even when outgunned by Woody, Buzz & a cute pig if we all keep our "eye on the prize" as being the story/creation of the media itself.
Critical thinking from womb to tomb...fight fire with fire, etc. You'll be amused (and pleased?) to know that some of our most ardent attendees of Consuming Kids screenings have been gamer parents in Silicon Valley, eager to instill balance and free play amidst heavy digital environs & gizmo coveting.
Ironically, they 'get it' and walk the walk of anti-consumption and sustainability better than many. It's the mainstream MASSES that need the edu-chat on the perils of pre-planned play and purchases, imho.
This is an uphill battle if ever there was one. And it's taking the onus OFF the parents and putting it ON the businesses, which is sadly somewhat typical these days. Rather than acting as the guardian between your child and crass commercialism, more parents now think that attacking the commercialism at the source is a wiser route. That's not gonna work (ever) but it does give those parents a chance to brag about how they went up against a huge corporation, blah blah blah. That sounds a LOT better than "I monitor what my kids have access to." We're getting to a point now where parents seem more concerned with looking like heroes than with actually protecting their kids.
ReplyDeletethe cowgirl's name is Jesse, not Trixie